Sunday, January 20, 2008


Green is in; sex is out, well almost. I always wondered what would be the biggest headline, a giant tidal wave headed for the coast of California, the president being mortally wounded, the Soviet Union launching missiles or Miss Spears having sex in Grand Central Station. (A woman has cancer of the mammary gland, not the “breast”).
“Green”, is the new “marketing” device, never mind “new and improved” or any other slogans that the boys in the back room dream up. “Green” is supposed to signify environmentally good/ safe and, or to counter the “Green-House” effect. (Never mind the fact that the warming of the earth is like a Hothouse that has been enclosed, in able to keep a certain temperature and humidity and has nothing to do whith “green”).
In today’s paper, every other advertisement is colored green. Sears; “bigger screen, sounds like “green”), bigger savings. Linens-n-Things; Gold large letters on a green background. Sealy Mattress; another BIG letter “big” on a green background.
Until the news media along whith the major industries, take a serous stance on the present ongoing situation, we will all dance merely around the time bomb until it is too late.
Woody Alspaugh. Stockton, Ca.

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