Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's agenda

This year I am going to have to get more active in environmental affairs, as it seems that as time goes by, things are getting worse and the people who are in the authority to arrest the continuing destruction of this planet, are not doing any thing to prevent or halt the continual situations. Changes must start now, not five years, ten years or 20 years, not 5%, 10% or 20%, but attack the problems 100% !All that is going on is “lip service”!
A number of events must take place to achieve the correction of past, present and future hazards. (Neo).
Fist, the masses, (people) must get educated. Along whith this, the present day, U.S. “news media” must be terminated. (It is full of miss-truths, leading to indoctrination and “brainwashing”). In addition, we must refer back, to adhering to the facts. (2+2=4), two gases change into a liquid, (H20) and the male seed joined whith the female seed, will create, (more), new life! (Help to contain unwanted human growth, population).
We must think and treat everyone as a human being. We must stop ignoring disadvantage people of color. Example; halt the term “Indian” in naming the native(s) of the Western Hemisphere! We must care for the population of Africa. We must recognize different cultures such as the Muslim’s, Islam, etc.
An “unwritten law” must be ascertained and adopted that recognizes and respects “common sense”. Just because something is “legal” or “illegal”, does not necessarily make it right!
Woody Alspaugh. www.hope05.org

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